Wednesday, October 25, 2006

where have I been?!

wow, it's been a long time, but it's ok, I have a good excuse. 4 tests in the past 2 weeks! but now I'm done, and get to rest for a few days before I have to start studying hardcore again. I bought a new toy within the past week. It's one of these:〈=en
it should be pretty fun, I haven't had much time to play around with it. But I will be downloading Firefly to it. I haven't seen it in a while, and I feel like watching it again.

so I learned how to give one of these last week.
it was pretty exciting, and I will be giving flu shots this friday. =D maybe I'm a little too happy about it.

Halloween party is this friday, and then the Stache Bash is on saturday. There should be many pictures, but most of them are probably going to be on facebook, since I'm not the one taking them. I'll have to pull out the more interesting ones and put them here. like this... (this is from slacklining at home a few years ago w/ nick).
this stuff is really fun, and it's not as crazy as it looks.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


grind grind grind. I finally feel like there's somewhat of a regular schedule now. I just finished 2 finals, and I have 2 more tests next week. ah the life of a med student. I talked to John for the first time in a while last week and he said he was reading my blog and knew what was going on in my life, but not really how things were going with me. I'm doing pretty well I guess, been really busy like I usually am when school is going. I don't have much time to think about stuff outside of school, it's what's constantly on my mind. I mean, that's what I'm here for right? that might be a little bit sad, but med school is basically my life now, and I'm enjoying it. I still get to go out w/ friends, although that is getting somewhat tiring. We need to find something else to do other than going out to bars. Too bad I didn't bring any of my games from home, or else I could introduce all my friends to my geeky games.

Life is certainly chugging along while I sit here procrastinating. I talked to my parents this past weekend. One of their infamous questions was "do you have a girlfriend yet?" =| (that's my blank stare face for those who don't know, kinda like =), but w/ a straight mouth) didn't really know what to say to that. I mean... it's not like I don't think about it, but..... it's hard when you've got tons of stuff to do. I was also talking about the concept of dating with a few friends last night. It was interesting. The different between being interested in someone, and liking someone was sort of touched upon, but not really. To me, dating is kinda annoying because what do you do? Movies are too stereotypical, and you don't really get to interact with the other person. Food is always good, but then what do you do after the meal? maybe it's good enough just to go eat. alcohol.. well everyone knows my beef w/ that. it's overrated. go participate in some sport? that might be ok, but it's starting to get cold, so I'd have to think of an indoor sport. maybe rock climbing, but I feel like most girls are afraid of that because it is assumed that you need a lot of upper body strength for it, and lots of girls don't think they can do it. what else is there to do? there has to be something, I'm in a big city, I'll just have to find it.