Tuesday, September 26, 2006

interview #2

I got the ok to post my interview experiences so here they are. I feel like it's not that interesting for any med school people but maybe people outside of med school might like it.

I feel like I learned a lot and gained some good experiences with this weeks interview. It was my turn to be the primary interviewer and it was really difficult because we spoke to a really depressed patient this week. During the beginning of the interview, the patient started talking about a lot of sad events that happened in her life, and it didn't seem like they would stop. I really wanted to ask her some questions that would perhaps make her think about more happy things, but I got pretty flustered because my mind was racing so fast trying to find a good question to ask. Apparently my classmates could tell I was getting nervous, I wasn't aware that it was so obvious. A suggestion was that I just continue asking questions about the patient no matter where it might bring me. I will follow that advice next time, and listen to the patient and try to think of a leading question relevant to what they are saying, rather than try to think of a question that would make the patient feel better.

I think I will be interacting with a lot of people that may not be very happy because sick people are usually sad, or simply not happy. A good question asked today was "What are some happy moments with ____?" I think it was a really good way of turning a conversation around if someone is talking about a really tragic incident with someone and it seems like it will only get worse. But this question should be asked after the patient is finished telling their story so they can get everything out.

I felt like I asked some questions a little to bluntly, but our 4th year preceptor said it was ok, and I could afford to be even more blunt in asking questions, to just ask what I want to know. I just have to figure out the appropriate time and delivery. I feel like I also need to say more encouraging things and/or reassuring things. The people in my group are really good at that, it seems to come naturally cause it's always at the right times and they seem to say the right things. These interviewing experiences have been great because this has been a different way of talking to people than I am used to. I really enjoy meeting new people and learning about them, but interviewing people at the hospital is a completely different experience. I don't feel as relaxed as I usually do, and sometimes the questions seem a lot more forced. Hopefully it will become more natural as the semester goes on, and I learn from the experiences.

I haven't actually read this entry in a while, but it should be ok. I guess more about what's been going on in my everyday life. Most of my posts are just kinda random stuff that happens. I've been studying, but not as much as I expected? I'm not sure. I don't feel like I'm studying all the time, but I am really busy, not sure why it's so busy. Elections are going on right now and I am running for student council. This is the first time I'm doing such a thing, it's kinda crazy. I really think it would be a good experience and interesting to serve on student govt. I will try to post my last interview journal tomorrow, and then I will be all caught up.

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